About Us

Meet Your Guide

Hey there, I’m Eric, though you might know me as @catfishric.

I’ve been crazy about fish for as long as I can remember. I distinctly remember the day my dad introduced me to fly fishing. We were fishing a local lake teeming with big rainbow trout. It was a calm sunny day and the surface of the lake was rippling as trout rose everywhere. He was sight-casting to them with his fly rod using a hare’s ear nymph (one of his favorite patterns), and catching fish after fish. I was amazed, and that day, I decided I wanted to learn to fly fish. My dad bought me a 5-piece 6 wt rod. That’s where my journey as a lifelong fly angler started.

I’ve met a lot of great people along the way who helped shape me into the angler I am today. This journey and the friendships I’ve built along the way are a big part of why I’m thrilled to be a guide. I decided to start Catfishric Guiding to share my passion for fishing and help shape new and seasoned anglers into better fishermen with the tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years.

I’m based out of Gillette and I’ve worked hard to secure permits for a number of rivers throughout Wyoming. Please reach out for more info about our offerings.

“Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.”

-Harry Middleton